Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Crystal King Revamp? About Time!

My most memorable boss fight and my favorite boss from the paper mario series. This is a revamp of one of my most popular vertexes of all time.

Major improvement from the last version.


- remade model
- texture has more definition
- rubies are on the crown now
- no polygons were removed, so no graphical glitches when inhaling, swallowing or jumping.

Includes a wi-fi safe and a better animating version.




  1. Nice job ShadowSnake, this one looks way better than the old version. This King is going to my SD card, also you're working fast! That's great. =)

  2. Are you able to make a version of this with a visible hammer? I know most people probably wouldn't care but i'd like to see where the hammer is when i fight against him. I love the texture though, very well done.

  3. @ Raiuken

    i could, after all, all i just did was do material edits to remove the hammer. if i remember to make it i will do it.
