Thursday, August 11, 2011

Super Mario Bros. Z (the moveset)

hey my first Blog post here.
so i posting my best moveset (yet):
SMBZ mario moveset

a moveset with his hammer, oneslot powerups, oneslot resizer for baby and paper mario
many of his hammer attacks is SMBZ based and afew cape attacks too
many attacks (if powerup is on like cape ) is mainly attacks for raccon/cape

here is the list of the powerups to the moveset:
Paper/baby/normal Cape Mario:

Paper/baby/normal Fire Mario(with Fire armor as i call it):

Paper/baby/normal Raccon Mario:

Paper/baby/normal Winged cap Mario:

Paper/baby/normal Flying Mairo:
Paper/baby/normal Shell Mario:

Paper/baby/normal SMBZ Super Mario:

movesetlist Video:
gameplay Video:

Download Links:
balanced version:
overpowered Version:


  1. Great first post MarioDK!

    I also edited the post with a more tag and edited the labels for mario and PSA section.

  2. thanks next one will be goku V1(still not sure who)

    i will only post done PSAs or PSAs that will get the next version in really long time like Goku V1 to Goku V2 since i waiting for Project:M lucario for Goku V2

  3. That's the best Mario PSA ever. I really love it! Also welcome to the team Mariodk, it's good to have a Moveset maker around. =D

  4. Welcome to the crew.

    How you made a those power-ups one slot is beyond me, amazing PSA. Cant wait to see Goku and Gotenks finished. =)

  5. @shadowsnake
    these was easy :D
    Winged cap= Yoshi´s Wing reanimted and resized
    fire armor =mario´s fireball
    cape=mario´s side-B cape(not me who made it since it from cape mario psa)
    Shell= a Shell model
    raccon mario= just removed Fludd (by animations) same with Flying mario :D
